Tea bag

Yes, tea bags can be unhealthy because they can contain materials that are harmful to your health and the environment: 

  • MicroplasticsMany tea bags are made from plastic, nylon, or bleached paper, and can release microplastics into your tea when steeped in hot water. A 2019 study found that a single plastic tea bag can release 11.6 billion microplastics into a cup of tea. Microplastics can carry toxic chemicals and have been linked to a variety of health issues. 
  • AluminumSome tea bags are sealed with aluminum compounds to increase their shelf life. Long-term exposure to aluminum has been linked to neurotoxicity and may increase the likelihood of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s. 
  • Toxic chemicalsThe sealing materials used to contain tea bags, such as glue or metal staplers, can contain toxic substances like nitrites, uranium, copper, lead, and mercury. Exposure to these metals may cause brain damage, kidney failure, and blood pressure. 
  • Not biodegradableMost tea bags are not biodegradable, which makes them a serious waste product and harmful for the environment. 

To avoid these health risks, you can switch to loose leaf tea, which you can use with a strainer. 

Green tea

  • Liver damageHigh concentrations of green tea extract can rarely cause liver damage. 
  • Iron deficiencyThe catechins in green tea can reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron. This can lead to iron deficiency anemia. 
  • Interactions with medicationsGreen tea can interfere with the effectiveness of certain medications, including those for heart and blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. 
  • Eye pressureDrinking green tea can increase pressure inside the eye, which can last for at least 90 minutes. 
  • CancerSome research has linked drinking green tea to a reduced chance of developing certain cancers, but more research is needed. 

People with anemia, diabetes, glaucoma, or osteoporosis should ask their health care provider before drinking green tea. 

Green and black tea have similar health benefits, but they differ in their components. Black tea leaves are rolled and oxidized, while green tea leaves remain unoxidized. 

Black tea

  • Toxic elementsBlack tea can contain minerals like lead, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, and manganese, which can be poisonous in excess. 
  • Kidney stonesBlack tea contains oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation. 
  • Esophageal cancerDrinking very hot tea regularly can damage the lining of the esophagus. 
  • TanninsTannins in tea can reduce iron absorption, which may be problematic for people with iron deficiency. 

Black tea can also have some health benefits, such as:

  • Gut health: The polyphenols in black tea may help promote the growth of good gut bacteria and inhibit bad bacteria. 
  • Cognitive function: Small amounts of caffeine can enhance cognitive function and alertness. 

Best tea products

  • Organic tea leaf
  • Organic matcha


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